“Are we truly living our life to the fullest or merely going through the mundanes?
Extra-ordinary life is not a privilege that only the elites enjoy , ordinary people like you & me can live , purposeful and meaningful... [
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"The book "I Dare You To Dream" by R. MacGregor Moore opened back up my mind to the person I once was before having my son. It made me embrace the writer I once was growing up. Sometimes you need the push to embark on a great journey or to... [
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Expert Question posted by
M Hinkson
Views (8232)
Allan! Basically you just need to be financially stable as to be able to attain rental proceedings. Also proof in documtation or other will be relevant in proving that you can afford the monthly rental fees And upon meeting with the agent He or She will take you... [
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Expert Question posted by
M Hinkson
Views (3963)
Thank You!
Mr Moore It is a pleasure being here, and look forward to do great works with your company
Thank You for the opportunity that you has endowed upon me :) [
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